192.168.l.254 Welcome To The United Teachers of Wichita | Teachers Union
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Call Us:316-262-5171
150 S. Ida • Wichita, KS 67211

Welcome to United Teachers of Wichita!

UTW is a professional union focused on improving the profession of teaching, the conditions in which our members work, and the learning conditions of our students. That means our programs and activities are widely varied, providing specific areas of interest and involvement for everyone. We invite you to join with us in these efforts!

Member Benefits

We Empower Educators

Together, we are able to use our voices to improve our working conditions and our educational system.

We Offer A Peer Consultant Program

Our Peer Consultant Program provides intensive one-on-one assistance for first year teachers. This program is entering its twelfth year of developing distinguished educators who provide successful learning experiences for all students.

Benefits & Services with Affliates Are Provided

Our affiliation with both national organizations, the AFT and the NEA allows us to offer the best in benefits and services. Including many types of insurance, discounts on car rentals, travel, entertainment, cell phones, credit and budget counseling, loan programs and progressive professional development.

UTW Negotiates Salaries & Benefits

UTW, as an advocate for quality public schools, lobbies the Kansas Legislature and the State Board of Education to ensure strong, pro-public education policies/laws are enacted. In order to keep the best educators, UTW negotiates with the USD 259 Board of Education for competitive salaries, benefits, and working conditions.

We Keep You Informed!

UTW keeps members informed through daily Facebook posts, weekly emails, and several monthly newsletters. Only UTW members receive a copy of the Teachers Employment Agreement (contract). Our national affiliates also keep members informed on current trends in public education as well as challenges and successes of your colleagues across the country through publications and expansive websites.