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History of the United Teachers of Wichita

History of the United Teachers of Wichita
"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." -Nelson Mandela

How UTW Started

UTW was created as a result of discussions between NEA-Wichita (NEA-W) and the Wichita Federation of Teachers (WFT). The two local unions fought for many years for the right to represent teachers at negotiations. After merger discussions involving local leaders of the two unions and representatives of all state and national affiliates, a merger was reached. The first school year for the United Teachers of Wichita was 1996-1997. That first year saw UTW with Co-Presidents and a double-sized Executive Board. At the end of that first year, elections were held and a President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Executive Board were elected. UTW members enjoy benefits from both AFT and NEA. Since the merger, UTW has sent local members and leaders to meetings and conventions for all state and national affiliates.