Take Action: Kansas Legislator Information

Stan Reeser
Stan Reeser is running for re-election to continue the fight for effective public schools. He states that he is running to continue improving the School Districts’ graduation rate and to fight for more opportunities for our students to graduate with job readiness training. He is running to fight to retain teachers, improve student behavior issues, and improving transparency on behalf of our students, their families, and our staff.

Melody for USD 259 Board of Education
Join UTW in supporting Melody Miller for USD 259 Board Of Education at large seat in the August 1st primary election! Let’s elect a leader who truly cares about students, families, and staff. Together, we can make a difference!
“I’m optimistic about our school district’s future, and I am ready to roll up my sleeves and get to work for our students, parents, teachers, and all. Let’s work together and do what’s right and what works to make USD 259 the best school district in Kansas!” – Melody

Ngoc Vuong

Brandon Whipple
Mayor Whipple’s commitment to public education and his vision for innovative partnerships with Wichita Public Schools showcase the future we need. We’re joining hands to boost student achievements and create a thriving 21st-century workforce, keeping Wichita at the forefront of economic growth in Kansas and beyond. In these challenging times, when dark money seeks to divert our city’s course, we stand united for a Wichita that values its educators, students, and a brighter, inclusive future. Vote for progressive growth. Vote for Mayor Brandon Whipple.

Kansas Legislature
This site is the official site of the Kansas Legislature. You can look up bills by number, find your legislators, listen to both the House and Senate while they are in session, and more.

Kansas National Education Association
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